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Reset, Reconnect & Revive
12 week 1:1 coaching programme

A 3 month, nurturing space for you to step off the treadmill, reconnect to yourself and what's important to you, enhance your wellbeing and create meaningful change that aligns completely with the most important person in your life, you  ~ inspired by nature and seasonal living

Image by Ainsley Myles


  • You're ready to move into a new season of life and work with calm clarity, confidence and conviction

  • You’ve been through, or you're currently going through a life transition, whether that's:

    • in your business or career - think career change, promotion, redundancy, retirement, setting up or stepping up in your business​

    • ​your life stage and age - new mum, kids starting school, parenting teens, kids flying the nest or moving away, retirement or caring for ageing parents

    • in relationships - divorce, family dynamics, a change in friendships, a move to a new place

    • yours or your loved ones health - a new diagnosis, declining health, perimenopause, neurodiversity

    • loss - bereavement, grief, mourning a life that's different to the one you envisioned

    • a shift in your own internal world - you want different things, your priorities have changes, you want to be more confident and authentic, you've come through change/burnout and you're ready for a change in tempo​​

  • You'd love to have more time for yourself, to really look after yourself and prioritise what's important but there are so many plates to spin - you just know how much better you'd feel if you had the dedicated time and space to focus on you and your vision for the future

  • You have a deep craving to connect with yourself again

  • You want to feel joy and feel that excited spark about your next season of life

  • You want to feel a sense of purpose and to feel connected with nature and your place in the worl


If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it would be my honour to guide and support you, and to facilitate a transformation in your life.

Empower and transform programme: About

  Are you ready to feel inspired, energised, confident and joyful?  

To have someone by your side to provide you with 1:1 support, guidance and encouragement whilst you reconnect with yourself and what's most important, and move towards a life that fulfilsinspires and excites you?


I am here to provide a calm nurturing space to guide you through a process of self-knowledge, awareness and clarity to reconnect you with yourself and what a joyful, fulfilled life looks like for you. Together we'll create a vision, set courageous goals that feel meaningful to you, work through any barriers that are getting in your way, manage external pressures and set you on the path to achieving your dreams through building confidence, self-belief and the right mindset. We'll touch on the past, present and future, making sure you fully understand yourself and all the things you need to boost your wellbeing and truly thrive.


Wellbeingnature connection and seasonal living are at the heart of my approach. You'll learn so much about yourself, and have a range of tools and techniques to go away with that you can rely on.



"Claire, founder of a Leadership Development Consultancy in London, came to me struggling with anxiety and imposter syndrome that affected her sleep, energy, and wellbeing. As a high-performing working mum also navigating perimenopause, she found that constantly pushing her limits was no longer sustainable (or enjoyable!) 


Claire realised the accolades and awards she had won for her work had come at the expense of her own wellbeing, and achievements, often pushing herself past her limits and putting the needs of everyone else before her own. She knew she needed a shift toward a healthier, more balanced approach.


Here's what Claire said about her experience:


"Working with you has been so valuable. I feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. I’m focusing on the right things, making more considered choices, and feeling more balanced. My anxiety, sleep, and imposter syndrome have improved, and I’m in a really good place.


You have an incredibly supportive, inspiring approach that I really connected with. I love the way you communicate and hold space. I’d highly recommend coaching with you. The impact on my wellbeing, thinking, and approach to life and work has helped me make lasting, positive changes. It's been the perfect mix of time out, slowing down, inspiration, encouragement, challenge and accountability. It's been incredible having you by my side on this journey."


~ Claire, Leadership Development Consultant

 What I believe is possible 

As a society it has become the norm to be on the treadmill of life and it’s no wonder that so many of us feel stressed, burnt-out and overwhelmed. We’re so busy getting through the day to day, we don’t have time to stop and think about the things that really matter to us on a deeper level.


It doesn’t have to be like this.


This is an opportunity to stop, pause and get off the treadmill. I will give you the time and space to be listened toheard and validated. I have been there and I have the lived experience, the professional qualifications and expertise to guide you in an evidence based way through a deeply personal transformation.​

  It IS possible to feel joy, connection and balance again  

  It is possible to make empowered choices to be the architect of a life you love  

Lisa headshot.jpg

  Hi, I'm Lisa  

I'm a mum of two, I like all things nature and a good cup of tea.


A few years ago I started to notice that my inner world didn’t reflect how I thought I “should” feel. I had a nice life on paper but it didn't feel that way. I was struggling to live up to the high expectations I’d set myself, I was struggling with the transition to motherhood and what my new identity was. I was trying hard to be good at everything and being really hard on myself about it. I was working hard in my corporate career, trying to be a good mum, keeping up with family, friends, my social life, keeping other people happy and all the things in between.


My own wellbeing and happiness was at the bottom of the pile and it started to have an impact.  I was overwhelmed and my inner critic was really negative. I didn’t feel like I knew myself any more and I was struggling to find joy. On the outside things didn't seem any different. On the inside it was a whole different story. Eventually I was diagnosed with burnout and postnatal depression.


I knew I wanted things to change and to feel like myself again, to feel more happy, joyful and fulfilled. The problem was, I didn't know what that looked like for me. I wasn't my old self, things had changed and shifted, I didn't fit into the old version of me.  It was like a jigsaw puzzle had been thrown into the air and the pieces didn't fit back together any more.


I realised that I had an opportunity. To shape who I was becoming and create a life I love, instead of bumbling through, letting my life and circumstances shape me. 

You CAN put yourself first and live life in alignment with what's important to you. 

Flower Shadow


"Diana, an infant feeding coach and baby massage practitioner, came to me for support with balancing her corporate job, a new business and her own wellbeing. She realised that prioritising self-care, building self-belief, and finding joy were essential to serving others effectively.


In our first sessions, we worked on self-awareness, confidence, self-esteem and put into place supportive practices to help her thrive. Then in the next sessions we focused on her business, helping Diana cultivate a mindset for decision-making, planning, and creating a values-aligned business that prioritised her wellbeing, was flexible, profitable, and focussed on her passions and what brought her joy.


Here's what Diana said about her experience:


"I’m no longer overthinking. I’m looking after my needs, holding boundaries, being kinder to myself and trusting my decisions. I have a sense of harmony and joy. I’m much more positive, accountable, and I can plan and keep track of things without feeling overwhelmed. Working through my past experiences has freed up space for me to move forward and I’ve loved being able to bounce business ideas around with you. Your calm, supportive approach created a safe space for me to reflect deeply, and this experience has made a real difference to my wellbeing. I feel calm, resilient, and optimistic."


~ Diana, Infant Feeding Coach & Baby Massage Practitioner

  My approach  

After I decided to make a change and improve my wellbeing, I started down my own path of self-discovery and personal development.


I had many years of work experience at a senior level, leading teams, teaching, guiding and coaching others to learngrow and develop in the corporate world, so luckily I had a toolkit of teachings and strategies to rely on as a starting point.


I made a commitment to put myself and my wellbeing first, here's what I learnt:


  • I learnt to go inward, to stop being distracted by busyness, doing and achieving. I learnt to listen to my intuition, connect to myself on a deeper level and found healing in nature and becoming still.

  • I found Seasonal Living and learnt to be in tune with the seasons and cycles of life, using nature as a guide for how I live.

  • I learnt how to understand and process my emotions, past experiences and how to reduce and manage stressors.

  • I learnt how to use nature, herbal medicine, nutrition, movement, breathwork, meditation, essential oils, rituals and self-care practices to support me and my family's wellbeing and to regulate our nervous systems.

  • I learnt about my coping mechanisms, which ones weren't working for me any more, and found new, healthier coping mechanisms.

  • I learnt to stop caring so much what other people think of me and letting this hold me back.

  • I learnt what my values are, what matters to me, what makes me happy, what brings me joy, what energises me, and how to hold boundaries to protect my wellbeing and peace

  • I've redefined what success means to me.

  • I learnt to be fearless in pursuit of what sets my soul on fire. To take brave and courageous steps towards the life I want to live.

Now I'm freer, I'm more connected to myself than ever. I have developed a strong sense of inner strength, resilience, self-love, self-kindness and self-compassion. My soul feels nourished.


Fast forward a few years and I have built a life that is completely ME, it lights me up, fulfils me, gives me meaning and is aligned with my strengths and passions.


I set up my company Grow with Solis to bring together my career experience and qualifications, my lived experience and my passion for helping others prioritise their wellbeing and not only survive but truly thrive. Whatever that looks like for you. I'm here to help you work it out and move towards it. 


I still have ups and downs, I still have the whole range of emotions going on, self-doubt creeps in, my inner critic is still there, I still have anxious thoughts - but I know exactly what I need to do to manage these and be gentle with myself. I'm embracing being a perfectly imperfect human and it's so empowering.


By the end of this 12 week programme you will:

  • Reset your mind, body and spirit - feel calm, nourished and boost your wellbeing

  • Feel and see the results of reconnecting with and deeply understanding yourself - know who you really are, what you want in your life, what makes you tick, your purpose, strengths, values, dreams and place in the world

  • Understand how your cycles and patterns you get into and the barriers you face so you can heal, let go of anything that is no longer serving you and overcome challenges

  • Learn techniques to help you be calm, in the present moment, experience joy, and adopt a more positive mindset

  • ​Have a vision for the future that excites and energises you

  • Be clear on your short, medium and long terms goals, and the steps you need to take in order to get there. Taking brave and courageous action to live life in alignment with who you really are

  • A clear sense of self and a new found inner confidence

  • Be clear on your wants and needs and feel confident in advocating for yourself, putting yourself first and holding boundaries

  • You will be excited about the possibilities in front of you

    This powerful transformation will have a ripple effect on everything around you - you, your work, your family, your relationships, your decisions and your life choices


Yellow Flowers


"Michele, a senior leader in banking, came to me when she was going through some major life challenges; facing redundancy, supporting her husband through cancer treatment, and supporting her grown up kids living at home. Overwhelmed and stressed, Michele realised she needed support to manage her stress, prioritise her wellbeing, and create lasting, supportive habits.


Coaching provided Michele the time to reset, reflect and plan for the future. Here’s how she describes her journey:


"Coaching has given me peace of mind, you can’t put a price on that! When we started, I was dealing with a lot of worry and had hit a wall emotionally. I was really muddled and didn't know where to start but now, I’m clear on what I want to achieve, I have a plan, and I’m looking forward to the journey. My self-esteem and confidence have grown—I even negotiated a £7k higher salary in my new job, which I’d never have done before! 


As a coach you've been supportive, non-judgemental, offered insights, questions, gently challenged and provided accountability. Working with you has been transformational and empowering, I've grown in a lot of ways and I've

got my mojo back!"


~ Michele, Senior Leader

People I typically work with are going through a transition in their life and want to embrace the shift into a new season:


  • Female business owners wanting to set up or step up in their businesses

  • ​Mum's finding their identity after the transition into motherhood

  • People coming up to retirement and wanting to make the best of life

  • People settling into life after their kids have flown the nest and wanting a new lease of life

  • People who are being made redundant, or have been made redundant and are working out what's next

  • Those who are unhappy in their jobs - they may be stressed, burnt out, overwhelmed, bored, demotivated, disillusioned or feeling stuck

  • Those wanting to take brave and courageous steps towards a different life, career or way of being

  • People who are overwhelmed with family life and the associated mental load

  • Those feeling like there’s more to life than the situation they're currently in

  • People who are feeling flat and wanting to give their wellbeing a boost - to be more comfortable, content and confident

  • People looking to connect with nature and find simpler ways to live, as a way of connecting with themselves and their place in the world

So far, I have seen my clients:

  • Quit their well paid but unfulfilling jobs

  • Start new businesses

  • Grow existing businesses

  • Get clear on where they're headed, being the architect of a life they love rather than letting life happen to them

  • Get promoted

  • Get paid more

  • Improve their work-life balance

  • Skyrocket self-esteem and confidence

  • Get out of their comfort zone to do something they’ve always wanted to

  • Get clarity on a longstanding issue

  • Make decisions that are best of them

  • Let go of fear and judgement

  • Massively improve their health and wellbeing

  • Create new habits and remove barriers

  • Let go of past hurts

  • Adopt a more positive mindset

  • Practically organise themselves 

  • Have open and honest conversations and advocate for themselves

  • Build more self compassion

  • Get out of a rut

  • Accept themselves and be content with being perfectly imperfect

  • Find a sense of joy in life again


Each session will be specifically tailored to your unique needs, your story and your situation. Together we will…


  • Reset your nervous system using breathwork and calming techniques, bringing you into a more relaxed, grounded and present state, then from this place we can focus on the magic

  • Identify where you are, where you want to be and the steps needed to get you there

  • Tap into my years of professional knowledge and experience of personal development and business to educate and guide and inspire you to deeply understand yourself

  • Teach you a range of useful, practical and effective tools, techniques and strategies you can rely on in future

  • Understand your unique skills, strengths and passions and how you can incorporate these into your life and/or career for ultimate satisfaction, motivation and fulfilment

  • Uncover what you don’t want, identify the things that take you away from yourself and drain your energy, your physical and mental health

  • Understand your values and what is important to you in life and apply them to make decisions to create a life aligned with them

  • Create a vision, plan and actions to work towards, with accountability from me to help you achieve them

  • Build daily habits and actions that put the theory into practice to achieve real change

  • Figure out what energises you and lights you up

  • Build resilience

  • Learn how to develop a positive mindset (yes it can be learned!)

  • Lean how to let go, say no and hold firm boundaries

  • Stay strong, rooted and grounded in who you are and feel confident to stay on your path

  • Understand how to harness nature and seasonal living, knowing when to take bold action and when to rest - this will boost your energy levels and productivity whilst ensuring you don't burn out

  • Go deep - no superficial, surface level conversations here. We're going to go there, we'll peel back the many layers of your conscious and subconscious, unravel your story, conditioning, emotions and limiting beliefs


I will give you the tools, techniques, the plan, the mindset and the confidence to not only achieve but to flourish, thrive and feel that excited spark within.

Pay in full: £900 
Valued at £1650 if taken as individual sessions
Pay in instalments:
3 payments of £300 per month

Invest in yourself and make the change you desire





  • A welcome gift to nourish you and set you up for success

  • A pre-coaching questionnaire and wellbeing audit to help you find clarity on what changes you'd like to make and where to start


  • 9 hours of 1:1 coaching (over 6 sessions) using my unique 3 step approach

  • Each session will start or end with a guided breath-work exercise to ground you and give you a sense of peace and calm ​

  • Email follow up after each session with suggested activities specific to you, to complete in between (these might include things like workbooks, journaling, meditations, reading an article, listening to a podcast, having a conversation with someone). You get to decide how much time you have to spend in between sessions on these activities (sent within 48hrs of the session)


  • Access to my private online community for weekly check-ins and support.

  • Email/Voxer voice message support in between sessions

  • Post-coaching recommendations to keep you on track


  • 30 minute check in call 3 months after the programme has ended​​


  • For every person who signs up to this programme I'll make a donation to plant a tree. I aim to be an eco-conscious business with heart.​​​​


Before any coaching begins you'll have a free 30 minute consultation to explore what you'd like help with. We'll get to know each other, go through any questions you have and I'll talk you through how I can help you. If you decide to go ahead I'll go away and design a coaching programme tailored to your needs. Many people feel a huge sense of relief and excitement after this call.

Image by Nadine Shaabana


Your self-discovery starts with a pre-coaching questionnaire and wellbeing audit which you'll complete before your first coaching session begins.


During this 2 hour RESET & RESTORE session we'll begin with a breath-work meditation to bring you peace, calm and grounding. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed or burnt-out we'll focus bringing balance and restoration to your nervous system.


We'll then go through your questionnaire and audit, uncover your truth, what you want from life, explore who you are becoming, what’s possible for you, clarify your goals and define what’s getting in your way.


I'll recommend some practices based on your needs and unique situation that you can do in between sessions to continue restoring and nourishing.



Image by Charlotte Coneybeer


In 4 x 90 minute coaching sessions bespoke to your needs, we'll deep dive into your inner world to unravel your personal story and RECONNECT you with yourself and where you're headed. We'll start or end each session with a breath-work meditation to continue giving you time out to relax and restore.


You'll understand your passions, strengths, values, desires, the path you want to take and tap into your intuition. You'll also understand your triggers and fears, overcome limiting beliefs and release negative emotions so you can be free to live beyond self doubt.


You'll learn the strategies and techniques that are best for you, that you can put into place and continue to use after the programme.


Emerge with clarity, unshakeable confidence and inner-strength. You'll have courage and be empowered to be unapologetically you. 

Image by Patrick


In this REVIVE session we'll review the transformation that's taken place and how you'll move forward in the world with your new found peace, calm and confidence.


You'll go away excited for the future, knowing the techniques and strategies that are best for you and you, define your personal action plan and how you’ll hold yourself accountable.


At the end of this programme you will have awakened the brilliance in you so that your inner light can spill over every surface of your life and all of those around you. 

Empower and transform programme: Services

Ways we can work together


Walking coaching

In a local nature spot in or around Perthshire/Angus.


Research shows that being immersed in nature is good for our mental health, physical and emotional wellbeing.


We'll take a gentle stroll whilst talking and connecting with nature along the way.



We'll meet for an online video call, perfect for those who don't live nearby, or for anyone who prefers to talk from the comfort of their own space. 


If we're meeting online I'll send you my free guide on creating a cosy space from wherever you are, and I'll pop some herbal teas in the post for you.

*some clients choose to do a mix of in-person and walking sessions



I'm going to be bold here. I'm really good at what I do. I firmly believe my offer is unique and I offer a huge return on your investment through the transformation I provide. 


The combination of:


  • my lived experience and in-depth knowledge of wellbeing, seasonal living and personal development

  • my 20 year career in educating and coaching people in the corporate world to be their best

  • the leadership positions I have held in the corporate world - growing, developing, inspiring and motivating talented teams

  • the extensive coaching qualifications, training and CPD I have undertaken. I have completed an ILM5 qualification in Coaching and Mentoring which is equivalent to a postgraduate diploma, an ILM7 qualification in Executive and Leadership Coaching which is equivalent to a masters degree and is the highest level of coaching qualification you can get

  • I also have qualifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (at master practitioner level), psychometrics, a Chartered Institute of Personnel Development higher diploma, and a BSc Hons degree in Business and Human Resource Management

  • My coaching accreditation with the EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) at Senior Practitioner level which recognises my in-depth qualifications and the many hours of coaching practice I have undertaken. This is renewed and revalidated annually.


My personal values are:


Deep connection - to myself, to others and to nature


Growth - supporting myself and others to learn, develop, gain knowledge and be inspired


Wellbeing - supporting myself and others to nourish our mind, body & spirit, find joy, balance and a sense of wellbeing, feeling content, healthy, self-assured and confident


Achievement - living a meaningful life, redefining my own version of success, aligning my life and business to my values and helping others to do the same


Adventure - trying new things, being curious, having fun, creativity, willingness to take risks, being courageous, freedom and autonomy


My strengths are:


Kindness, nurturing, curiosity, compassion, calmness, deep listening, encouraging, positive, supportive, gently challenging, intuitive & thoughtful


My passions are:


Supporting, guiding and inspiring others to find their own version of fulfilment and joy, using seasonal living and nature to boost our health and wellbeing and guide us through the seasons of our own lives


This powerful blend gives me what I call my superpowers. My magic. And I will bring all of this all to you and our coaching relationship.


I know the pressures the modern world puts you under and I'm experienced in helping people like you. I'll be your biggest cheerleader and will help you awaken and believe in the brilliance in you.


Every client is different and I'll adapt my coaching to suit your needs. I'm experienced in different coaching and self-development methods and tools so you can expect an experience that's tailored to you.


I'll work with you on all levels so we'll peel back the many layers of your conscious and subconscious, and be mindful of how all of this affects not just your mind but your body too. 


I believe in working with you as a whole person and will create a calm, safe space where all of your personal challenges and emotions are welcome.



Sessions can be held during the week or in the evening. Once you signup you'll be able to book sessions to suit your schedule and needs.


The best way to find out if this is a good fit for you is to book in a free, no obligation discovery call (by clicking the blue button below). This won't be salesy at all, I find that totally cringeworthy! It's a chance for us to get to know each other and explore what you'd like to get help with. It's also really important that you feel we have a good rapport and a connection. If we're a good fit and I'm certain I can help you, you can either sign up straight away or go away and think about whether it feels like a good investment for you. â€‹


Have a nosy at my About Me section


Drop me an email with any other questions at

Not quite ready to commit to a full programme?​


If you’re not ready to go ‘all in’ and commit to a full programme just yet, I offer a 2 hour Reset session for £225. This covers the first section of the full 3 month programme. 


Click the pink button below to book this service:​

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