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Hi I'm Lisa.


I’ve been working as a qualified professional coach since 2014 and I’ve been in the corporate world a lot longer (18+ years). My background in Human Resources, Recruitment and Learning & Development brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in how to help people grow, develop, reach their potential and set themselves achievable and sustainable goals.


I love helping people to feel and perform at their best and wellbeing is really important to me. I want to work with you as a whole person, I'm interested in your story and what makes you who you are.


I have regular coaching supervision to continually build my coaching practice for my clients. I’m really curious and I never stop learning new things, all of which I’ll pass onto you. 


I have two young children who I adore and find a challenge in equal measure! My world revolves around my kids and husband, my coaching business and life in general.


I'm never happier than when I'm outside in nature. I love yoga, walking, cold-water therapy, breath-work, journaling, holidays in Scotland, cooking and drinking endless cups of tea. I love spending time with my wonderful family and friends but as I've got older I've become very fond of spending time on my own. The more I do this, the more I'm able to give to my family, my career and my clients. Finding moments of peace and joy in the ordinary is a great hobby of mine.

About Me: About Me


I’ve worked  in the Human Resources and Learning field for most of my working life. For 18 years I'd been climbing the career ladder and gaining qualifications. I was a high achiever, a perfectionist and a people pleaser so getting to the next level, achieving things and getting recognition suited me fine. 


In and outside of work I was ‘successful’ – I had a good job, a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, a nice house and a good social and support network.


A few years ago I started to notice that my inner world didn’t reflect how I thought I “should” feel. I had a nice life on paper but it didn't feel that way. I was struggling to live up to the high expectations I’d set myself, I was struggling with the transition to motherhood and what my new identity was. I was trying hard to be good at everything and being really hard on myself about it. I was working hard in my corporate career, trying to be a good mum, keeping up with family, friends, my social life, keeping other people happy and all the things in between.


Deep down my career was no longer fulfilling me. My heart wasn’t completely in it and I had outgrown the corporate box I was in, the politics, the bureaucracy and the pressure of fitting in. Finding another part time role at my level with a similar salary was virtually impossible. 


I ignored all these feelings and carried on regardless, trying to make the best of it (hey, I was lucky to have such a good job that I could do part time that paid well wasn’t I).


After a while it started to have an impact on my health and wellbeing.


A while after my second child was born I was diagnosed with burnout and postnatal depression. There’s no doubt the pandemic played a part in this too. I had been pushing on for far too long and had reached breaking point.


This was a bit of a wake up call. I realised my own wellbeing and happiness was at the bottom of the pile.  I was overwhelmed and my inner critic was really negative. I didn’t feel like I knew myself any more and I was struggling to find joy. On the outside things didn't seem any different. Nobody noticed how much I was struggling. I was really good at pretending. I didn't want to admit how I felt (hey perfectionism!) and it looked to everyone else like I was doing it all successfully.


"I'm fine" was my standard response.


On the inside it was a whole different story. 


I knew I wanted things to change and to feel like myself again, to feel more happy, joyful and fulfilled. The problem was, I didn't know what that looked like for me. I wasn't my old self, things had changed and shifted, I didn't fit into the old version of me.  It was like a jigsaw puzzle had been thrown into the air and the pieces didn't fit back together any more.


I realised that I had an opportunity. To shape who I was becoming and create a life I love, instead of bumbling through, letting my life and circumstances shape me. 


After I decided to make a change and improve my wellbeing, I started down my own path of self-discovery and personal development.


I had many years of work experience at a senior level, leading teams, teaching, guiding and coaching others to learn, grow and develop in the corporate world, so luckily I had a toolkit of teachings and strategies to rely on as a starting point.


I made a commitment to put myself and my wellbeing first.


I learnt to go inward, to stop being distracted by busyness, doing and achieving. I learnt to listen to my intuition, connect to myself on a deeper level and found healing in nature and becoming still. 


Now I'm freer, I'm more connected to myself than ever. I have developed a strong sense of inner strength, resilience, self-love, self-kindness and self-compassion. My soul feels nourished.


Fast forward a few years and I have built a life that is completely ME, it lights me up, fulfils me, gives me meaning and is aligned with my strengths and passions. 


I set up my company Grow with Solis to bring together my career experience and qualifications, my lived experience and my passion for helping others prioritise their wellbeing and not only survive but truly thrive.


I've learnt the tools and techniques unique to me, to enable me to grow my wonderful business, be a present mum AND find balance and put myself first.


I still have ups and downs, my life is still chaotic sometimes, I still have the whole range of emotions going on, self-doubt creeps in, my inner critic is still there, I still have anxious thoughts - but I  understand myself so much better and I know exactly what I need to do to manage these and be gentle with myself. I’m resilient in handling setbacks. I'm embracing being a perfectly imperfect human and it's so empowering. 


Coaching has helped me through my ups as well as my downs. I've progressed my career and got promotions whilst having coaching, I've navigated postnatal depression whilst having coaching, I set up my business whilst having coaching. It has a place for it all. If you're in a good patch, come and talk to me, but equally if you're in a not so good patch, come and talk to me! 


If any of this resonates with you, get in touch to book a free 30 minute consultation.


Your wants, needs, desires and goals can be priority and with this you'll feel fulfilled and be better able to give your time and energy to everyone around you.


About Me: About


I’m based in Greater Manchester, I have two children, I’m a serial learner (geek) and I enjoy being immersed in nature as much as I can. I started my career in HR, later moving into Talent and Organisational Development. 


I have 18+ years experience in HR, L&OD & Talent functions - including leadership & strategy.


Founder, Coach and Consultant                                                                                                       July 2021 – present

Grow with Solis


  • 1:1 and group coaching for wellbeing, career and leadership (online and in-person, UK and overseas)

  • Workshop facilitation covering wellbeing, resilience, leadership, feedback & sensitive conversations, navigating stress, burnout & finding balance, confidence and assertiveness, and bespoke workshop design and delivery

  • Retreats based on wellbeing, seasonal living and nature connection

  • I have my own private clients as well as working as a freelance Associate for HR/Talent consultancies.

    If you're interested in booking training or coaching with me direct please look at my corporate page here. If you're interested in working with me as a freelance associate please email me at


Senior Digital Learning Consultant and Coach                                                                           June 2019 – January 2023


Senior Organisational Development Partner and Coach                                                        

June 2017 – 2019

General Medical Council


  • 1:1 and group coaching of staff at all levels - increasing self-awareness, leadership, career and talent development, improving specific skills or behaviours, mindset, relationships & wellbeing. Includes use of 360 feedback and other diagnostic reports

  • Strategic leadership, management and development of digital learning function. Created and implemented the organisation’s digital learning strategy and systems, established a high performing, talented and motivated team

  • Acted as consultant on various initiatives and learning interventions (including onboarding, empowerment, ED&I, culture, leadership, people management and team away days) carrying out learning needs analysis, design, delivery or procurement and evaluation


Associate Learning & Development Specialist                                                                             June 2015 – Jan 2017

LDS Consult Ltd (contract role through my own Limited Company)


  • Learning and Development Specialist on a financial technology transformation programme. Carried out learning needs analysis, designed and delivered learning interventions, delivered individual and group coaching, and led a team of learning designers made up of facilitators and digital learning designers.


HR/L&OD Consultant                                                                                                                         March 2010 – July 2015

General Medical Council


  • HR lead for designated areas of the business – supporting employees, leaders and managers through the employee lifecycle – recruitment, onboarding, performance, people management, employee relations

  • Led a number of HR and L&OD projects including the introduction of 360 feedback, reviewing organisational competencies, designing and delivering learning interventions, 1:1 and group coaching.


Human Resources Officer  (generalist)                                                                                           March 2008 – March 2010



Human Resource and Training Administrator                                                                             2003 – 2005

Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council


About Me: About Me




  • ILM7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring, 2020

  • ILM5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring, 2014

  • CIPD Postgraduate Diploma, Human Resources, Pass, 2010 – 2013

  • BSc hons Business and Human Resource Management, 2:1, The University of Salford, 2005 - 2008

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, 2007


Relevant training and CPD


360 Insights, Level A Psychometrics, Belbin, Cognitive Behaviour Coaching, Compassion Focussed Coaching, Brene Brown Dare to Lead, Building Resilience, Mindfulness, Breathwork & Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training, Introduction to Trauma and Stress Recovery. Currently training to be a Mental Health First Aider




EMCC (European Coaching and Mentoring Council) Senior Coaching Practitioner


About Me: About

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